For anyone needing to start using the Catalog Manager, I suggest this
document it is clear and concise:

On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Justin Robinson
<> wrote:
> Firstly I'd just like to say thanks to the list for the little tips,
> insight, and resource suggestions with regards to minilang...had
> finally got my head round it & find it a really cool feature of ofbiz
> making certain jobs quicker and easier to write and debug.
> I've just started on defining products in the catalog, so I haven't
> read all available resources yet. But from what I've seen so far
> looking at configurable products the product type determines to some
> extent how the product is handled and what options are available.
> From what I can tell the 'Catalog Manager' is purely ofbiz, which is a
> relief(I hope I'm right about this & don't put my foot in it again)
> because I have to say the opentaps forum hasn't been much help so far,
> they are quite selective on the sorts of things they do help with.
> This mailing list and it's archives are generally way more
> informative.
> I work for an ISP so most of our products have to be along the lines
> Configurable Digital Service Products, is it possible to combine these
> product types or do products have to be of one type only?
> Secondly with the Configurable product hierarchy, is it possible to
> have a Virtual product that contains Configurable products, that in
> turn contains config items? Or some other way to configure products
> that are made up of other configured products.
> Lastly since most of our services are charged monthly, it would seem
> that subscriptions suit our needs best since they can be automatically
> renewed, is it possible to define configurable subscriptions?
> I don't expect a full explanation I'm just wondering if these aims are
> achievable, before I venture forth and maybe where to start would be a
> great help to.
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Justin
> Venture-Net Research & Development

Venture-Net Research & Development

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