Done.  I hope someone gives it a try. I just ran it this morning, and
it detected the following changes (since last night) and merged then
into my local trunk:

# cd /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin
# ./
[update output]
Updating opt.ofbiz.trunk
Merging Revisions:  Last:1082417 Current:1082582
--- Merging differences between repository URLs into 'opt.ofbiz.trunk':
U    opt.ofbiz.trunk/themes/tomahawk/webapp/tomahawk/css/help.css
U    opt.ofbiz.trunk/applications/accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml
U    opt.ofbiz.trunk/framework/sql/src/org/ofbiz/sql/
Commiting Local Merged Revisions:  Last:1082417 Current:1082582
Sending        .
Sending        applications/accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml
Sending        framework/sql/src/org/ofbiz/sql/
Sending        themes/tomahawk/webapp/tomahawk/css/help.css
Transmitting file data ....
Committed revision 338.


On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I did not verify anything, but could you please post your message as a 
> comment in 
> You can also put your attachment there
> Thanks
> Jacques
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Mike
>  To:
>  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 8:19 AM
>  Subject: How to setup a simple ofbiz vendor branch
>  ----------------------------------
>  ----------------------------------
>  I went through the pain of setting up a "vendor branch" of ofbiz, so I 
> thought I'd share it with the community.  The supplied instructions in the 
> wiki seemed confusing, and didn't go into detail.  Since I'm into automation, 
> my script ( allows the following:
>  Keep a local copy of ofbiz (trunk|0904|1004), allow it to be modified, but 
> at the same time have the ability to receive upstream updates from the Apache 
> Ofbiz SVN server, and merge them into your own local copy.  For the most 
> part, this works automatically.
>  The attached ofbiz_vendor_branch.tar.gz has the script.
>  To clarify, I'm not a subversion expert, so my setup is ultra simple, 
> anonymous read/write, no password, etc.  My svn server is safely behind a 
> firewall, so I'm not worried about multi users, passwords, hackers, etc.  
> This works for me because I'm a one man show.  Your requirements are probably 
> different.
>  To get started, we need to keep local copies of the following:
>  --or--
>  --or--
>  --or-- all 
> three!
>  These are always kept up to date via "svn update", and are kept in 
> /opt/ofbiz.svn.
>  The script ( allows all three (or more in the future) branches 
> to be tracked.  For me, the best branch for deployment is trunk, because it 
> seems to be the most stable, and gets more attention from the developers.  
> For the purpose of this setup, I'm just going focus on trunk, but tracking 
> 0904 or 1004 (or all three) is as easy as tweaking a variable (in 
>  The Apache and Local versions are kept in /opt/ofbiz.svn, and are named:
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.0904
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.1004
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.trunk
>  The "local" copies are called.
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/opt.ofbiz.0904
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/opt.ofbiz.1004
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/opt.ofbiz.trunk
>  NOTE: Regarding this path (/opt/ofbiz.svn).  For simplicity, use the same 
> path (at least initially).  The script resides in the "/opt/ofbiz.svn/bin" 
> directory, and will always place the above checked out directories one level 
> above the script (in /opt/ofbiz.svn).
>  Also, this script runs on an Ubuntu host, I've never tried to run this on 
> windows.  However, It might work under cygwin.
>  Internally (within the local SVN repository), the directories are organized 
> like this:
>  ofbiz/
>  ofbiz/asf/
>  ofbiz/asf/ofbiz.1004
>  ofbiz/asf/ofbiz.trunk
>  ofbiz/opt/
>  ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.1004
>  ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.trunk
>  NOTE: If you already have an SVN repository, then I'd fully analyze/test 
> this process (on a separate machine) to see if it "fits" into your local SVN 
> repository w/o clobbering your own stuff.  If you have "ofbiz" at the top of 
> your SVN tree (like above), then there may be issues.  You have been warned!
>  These directories are strictly used to track changes to the local 
> repositories.  Your actual names (when you check out a working copy) could be 
> different.  In my case, when I check out the working local copy, I place it 
> in /opt/ofbiz.[version], and this is where I actually fire up ofbiz from 
> (later).
>  You could tweak these names, but this will require hacking the script, and 
> it is not recommended, at least until you understand how it works.
>  The attached tar file contains the following items:
>  # tar ztvf ofbiz_vendor_branch.tar.gz
>  drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2011-03-16 10:38 opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/
>  -rwxr-xr-x root/root      6478 2011-03-16 09:36 
> opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/
>  -rw-r--r-- root/root      9630 2009-05-12 10:25 
> opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/svn_load_dirs.README
>  -rw-r--r-- root/root      7201 2011-03-16 10:12 opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/config
>  -rw-r--r-- root/root      7201 2011-03-16 10:12 opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/README
>  -rwxr-xr-x root/root     67335 2010-08-27 18:50 
> opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/
>  -rwxr-xr-x root/root       436 2010-09-06 11:36 opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/svnserv
>  #
>  Here are the contents:
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/svnserv (used to fire up the SVN daemon)
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/ (NOT written by me)
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/ (MY script, that automates all)
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/config (SVN client config file, discussed later)
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/README (These docs)
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  NOTE: The (part of Apache) is a perl script which magically 
> merges the various repositories.  This one works for me, so I provided it.  
> It DOES require various perl modules that must be satisfied so it properly 
> works.
>  To get started, you will need your own SVN repository.  Here are the steps.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 1) Create your own local SVN repository
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  # mkdir -p /var/svn/repos
>  # svnadmin create /var/svn/repos
>  I suggest you use /var/svn/repos, it will make it easier, and my script uses 
> it (later).
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 2) Tweak SVN for anonymous read-write
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  # vi /var/svn/repos/conf/svnserv.conf
>  [general]
>  anon-access = write
>  auth-access = write
>  password-db = passwd
>  Copy /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/svnserv into /etc/init.d (unless you don't already 
> have one), and fire up the svnserv init script.  You may have to tweak it 
> (works for Ubuntu).
>  # cp /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/svnserv /etc/init.d
>  # /etc/init.d/svnserv start
>  Make sure it's running.
>  /# ps -efww|grep svn
>  root      6436     1  0 18:47 ?        00:00:00 svnserve -d -r /var/svn/repos
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 3) Copy the client config to the proper location.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  NOTE:  The svn client config needs to be copied to the home directory of the 
> user who runs the svn command.  In this case, probably 
> /root/.subversion/config  --or-- place it in (again Ubuntu) 
> /etc/subversion/config, which would make it available to all users on that 
> machine.  Also, if you plan on running ofbiz on a different machine, then you 
> need to make sure this 'config' file is on all machines.  so:
>  # cp /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/config /root/.subversion/config --or--
>  # cp /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/config /etc/subversion/config
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 4) Create a "svn" DNS entry for your local domain (optional)
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  If you have your own local area network and your own DNS server, it is good 
> practice to create a "svn" host, which is an alias to the host where the 
> local SVN repository exists.  For instance, if your local domain is 
> "", create "", which points to the real host.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 5) Untar the attached tar file from the root directory
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  # cd /
>  # tar zxvf /root/download/ofbiz_vendor_branch.tar.gz
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 6) Configure the script (choose trunk/branches)
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin
>  # vi
>  Set the variables ofbiz_versions and local_svnserv.
>  Variable: ofbiz_versions
>  All three Ofbiz versions (NOT recommended)
>  ofbiz_versions="trunk:trunk branches/release10.04:1004 
> branches/release09.04:0904"
>  Trunk+1004 (also not really recommended)
>  ofbiz_versions="trunk:trunk branches/release10.04:1004"
>  Just Trunk:
>  ofbiz_versions="trunk:trunk"
>  Just 1004:
>  ofbiz_versions="branches/release10.04:1004"
>  The item on the right side of the colon will be used to create the name of 
> the directory entry.  For instance, you check out the branch 
> "branches/release10.04" and it create a directory called "opt.ofbiz.1004".
>  If you choose to track multiple branches (not recommended), then your local 
> SVN server will get pretty fat (and slow).  Beware.
>  Variable: local_svnserv
>  local_svnserv="svn://"
>  #local_svnserv="svn://svn"
>  #local_svnserv="file:///var/svn/repos"
>  Choose the way you want to access you own local repository.  If you followed 
> the above directions, then you already have the svnserv daemon running. The 
> first one is using the DNS name (so is the second, but there is an 
> /etc/resolv.conf that has "search" defined).  This is really the 
> recommended way of accessing a local SVN server.  You can then check out the 
> code from ANY machine on your local area network.  If you are running on just 
> a single machine, then you COULD use the "file:///..." method, which is fast 
> (and least flexible).
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 7) Run the utility to make sure it works
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin
>  # ./
>  Look for any perl modules missing, and satisfy the requirements.  You should 
> get the help syntax of the script.
>  On Ubuntu, you can do a bunch of "apt-get install ITEM" to satisfy the perl 
> module, or you could use the CPAN method, which consists of a bunch of:
>  perl -MCPAN -e "install Digest::MD5"
>  Statements until the script is happy.  Don't attempt STEP 8 until 
> is happy.
>  ALSO:  Check and verify line 32:
>  my $svn = '/usr/bin/svn';
>  Points to the correct svn binary (above is Ubuntu).
>  # vi
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 8) Run in "init" mode
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  NOTE:  Don't forget STEP 3 (svn client "config") or you'll have problems 
> with the next step.
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin
>  # ./ init
>  [lots of output]
>  NOTE:  This is only done ONCE (with "init"), to initially populate the 
> repository.
>  The script is in debug mode (during init) in case any problems occur.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 9) Checkout the "local" (running) branch of the ofbiz repository you 
> want
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Decide where you want to run ofbiz.  /opt always works for me.
>  # trunk example
>  # cd /opt
>  # svn co svn://SVN_SERVER/ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.trunk/trunk/ ofbiz.trunk --or--
>  # svn co file:///var/svn/repos/ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.trunk/trunk/ ofbiz.trunk
>  NOTE:  The right argument is the directory that will be created.  You can 
> name it
>  anything you want.  I recommend ofbiz.[trunk|branch] to match SVN.
>  # 10.04 example
>  # cd /opt
>  # svn co svn://SVN_SERVER/ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.1004/trunk/ ofbiz.1004 --or--
>  # svn co file:///var/svn/repos/ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.1004/trunk/ ofbiz.1004
>  ....
>  A    ofbiz.trunk/ivy.xml
>  A    ofbiz.trunk/startofbizBoth.bat
>  A    ofbiz.trunk/KEYS
>  A    ofbiz.trunk/rc.ofbiz
>  A    ofbiz.trunk/startofbizPos.bat
>  Checked out revision 11.
>  #
>  Notice that even for 1004, you still checkout the "trunk" of the local 1004 
> repository
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 10) Check things out, test, etc.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Change directory, and run "svn info" You should see a low revision #, like 
> 11.
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.trunk; svn info; svn log
>  The "Last Changed Rev:" is probably r11.  The log should show "Initial 
> import...."
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 11) Change something, commit changes to your local repository
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.trunk/hot-deploy
>  # mkdir newapp
>  # svn add newapp
>  A       newapp
>  # svn commit
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  This is a newapp in hot-deploy
>  --This line, and those below, will be ignored--
>  A    hot-deploy/newapp
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Adding         hot-deploy/newapp
>  Committed revision 12.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 12)  Run updates from Apache OFBIZ, and "merge" changes into your local 
> repo.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Sometime later, after the developers tweaked something in trunk, run the 
> following:
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin
>  # ./
>  If nothing changed, then you'll see:
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  NOTE: FOUND in [/opt/ofbiz.svn/bin/]
>  Remote ASF:
>  Local  ASF: svn://svn/ofbiz/asf/ofbiz.trunk
>  Local  OFB: svn://svn/ofbiz/opt/ofbiz.trunk
> Revision: 1082281
>  Last Changed Revisions:  Last:1082281 Current:1082281
>  Repository revisions match
>  #
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Otherwise, you'll lots of magical output that hopefully ends up with your 
> local svn repository opt.ofbiz.[trunk|branch] updated with fresh 
> patches/changes from Ofbiz being merged into your own changes being made 
> locally.
>  This works automatically for the most part, but on occasion you may have a 
> collision when you might have to accept/reject a merge option.
>  The script also creates directories like this:
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.trunk.1079456
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.trunk.1080107
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.trunk.1080776
>  /opt/ofbiz.svn/asf.ofbiz.trunk.1081185
>  Which are checked out versions of trunk.  These can be blown away if you 
> like, but I like them because I can do stuff like "diffing" between revisions:
>  diff -r asf.ofbiz.trunk.1081444 asf.ofbiz.trunk.1081740
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  STEP 13) Update your local (running) copy of ofbiz with the latest changes.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  Suppose you (like me) run the "running" version of ofbiz in 
> /opt/ofbiz.trunk, which you checked out in STEP 9.
>  You run the update/merge process:
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.svn/bin
>  # ./
>  [lots of output]
>  Even though you did the above steps, the copy you are running in 
> /opt/ofbiz.trunk is STILL running the old code.  You must also update your 
> running (checked out) code, like this:
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.trunk
>  # svn update
>  ....... update statements ............
>  /etc/init.d/ofbiz.trunk restart ... etc..
>  Thats it.  If you have problems initially creating the repository, make sure 
> you followed STEP #3.  You can always blow away the /var/svn/repos, and 
> re-init.
>  If any errors show up, you can always un-comment line #6 "set -x" to show 
> the debug steps.
>  If you already have a modified ofbiz directory that you want to merge into 
> this process, then that will be tricky, and a lot more work.  However, you 
> could probably do it like this:
>  Run the above procedure, checking out a new code branch (like in STEP 9).  
> You then need to detect the changes between your existing, running code and 
> copy each modified (or missing) file/directory (i.e., one by one into the 
> checked out directory (/opt/ofbiz.trunk).  Then, just:
>  # cd /opt/ofbiz.trunk
>  # svn commit
>  I hope this helps someone.  Good luck!!

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