Hi Sascha,

I'm not an expert in js...  but i'll try to propose a patch on this feature.

Good vacation !!


On 27/04/2011 14:32, Sascha Rodekamp wrote:
Hi Pierre,
yea i can do that. But not before next week (because i'm on vacation at the
moment :-))

But if you like to implement ... feel free ;)

Have a good day

2011/4/27 pierre.gaudin<pierre.gau...@nereide.fr>

Hi Sacha,

That's exactly what i was thinking about. I have a look at JIRA dashboard
and the drag and drop is available only on head line.

I think that the better way is what you said  :

add only an icon which reacts on the event

By this way there is no risk to move the form Involuntarily.


On 27/04/2011 13:43, Sascha Rodekamp wrote:

Hi Pierre,

hm maybe, i'm not sure why we use the hole widget for d'n'd. In my first
implementation the widget was only dragable on the head line. So that mean
we could change the area which reacts on the mouse "press&   hold" event.

We could also add only an icon which reacts on the event. The use can then
only use the icon to "grab" the widget.


2011/4/27 pierre.gaudin<pierre.gau...@nereide.fr>

  Hi Sacha,
Thank you for your answer.

In fact I wonder which feature is the most important, to allow the drag
drop or to allow the copy of one field.

Is it possible to have both??

In my opinion the fact of not allowing to make a copy from a form is a


On 27/04/2011 11:10, Sascha Rodekamp wrote:

  Hi Pierre,
no that's correct the D'n'D function is also available on the user page
only on the admin page.
But you can simply disable this by commanding out the myportal.js in the

Hava a good day

2011/4/26 pierre.gaudin<pierre.gau...@nereide.fr>

  Hi all,

I'm trying "my portal" page at "
and i find a strange behaviour... When you try to copy a label or
on a widget you can't do it because it start dragging the form...

May be I forget something but I do not understand why you can drag
the final view. Should it be possible only in admin view ?



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