surveyWrapper?has_content always returns false no matter that the
debug shows that it's not null when it's set.
Have tried setting it as a session attribute, with no effect.
Am really stumped on this one no idea what to try....Any ideas?

the ftl:
<div class="screenlet">
    <div class="screenlet-body">
        <#-- Render the survey -->
        <#if surveyWrapper?has_content>
            <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
style="margin: 0;">
            <h1>Survey Failed</h1>
            <p>surveyWrapper?has_content returned false</p>

code that sets the surveyWrapper:
 // set up a surveyAction and surveyWrapper, then redirect to survey
ProductStoreSurveyWrapper wrapper = new
ProductStoreSurveyWrapper(surveys.get(0), cart.getOrderPartyId(),
Debug.log("wrapper: "+(wrapper!=null? "not null":"null"), MODULE);
request.setAttribute("surveyWrapper", wrapper);
request.getSession().setAttribute("surveyWrapper", wrapper);
request.setAttribute("surveyAction", "addOrderItemSurvey")

Venture-Net Research & Development

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