I'm debugging the projectmgr for our use & came accross this situation.

 <service name="removeWorkEffortAssoc" engine="simple"

 <simple-method method-name="removeWorkEffortAssoc"
short-description="Remove a WorkEffort association">
        <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffortAssoc" value-field="lookedUpValue"/>
        <remove-value value-field="lookedUpValue"/>

On trying to delete a WorkEffortAssoc it throws an exception
lookedUpValue missing or some such, not wanting to spend to much time
trying to figure out the how and why of the ever cryptic
'simple-method' involved, I wrote a replacement service to do the same
thing & found I couldn't findByPrimaryKey as WorkEffortAssoc pk
includes fromDate and the hidden field in the form doesn't have
millisecs for the fromDate:

 uneq: db fromDate: 2011-06-09 15:45:55.873. form fromDate2:
2011-06-09 15:45:55.0

I got around the problem with some verbosity in my replacement service
implementation, but writing replacement services instead of fixing
existing is kinda bad form.
I assume projectmgr works or has worked & am really curious how this
sort of problem is over come by the simple method above that I don't

Can anyone who works with minilang explain this one to me?

Venture-Net Research & Development

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