I was always interested in realistic product data, dunno if OFBiz will accept it.

Thanks&  Regards
Atul Vani
Enterprise Software Developer
HotWax Media Pvt. Ltd.
We are the Global Leaders in Apache OFBiz, Google 'ofbiz' and see for yourself.

On Tuesday 06 September 2011 07:47 AM, Sam Hamilton wrote:
I think more realistic demo data would be a great idea.


On 6 Sep 2011, at 08:39, BJ Freeman wrote:

if that is the case then I will support it on my businessesnetwork demo

Adrian Crum sent the following on 9/5/2011 2:56 PM:
I suggested the same thing years ago. Have a company like Acme Market,
or Acme Sales, or Acme Manufacturing, and then have realistic names,
divisions, products, etc  for the company. That was shot down though,
because the developers at the time thought if the demo data looked too
much like real data then the OFBiz users would get confused.


On 9/5/2011 6:18 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:
Had this idea that Demo data for Party can be real people
Like the Company is Ofbiz
then each Person/company that works with Ofbiz can enter their Info

You can enter your data into Ofbiz localhost then save the data and add
it through a jira to the Party Demo data.

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