The initial multi-tenant implementation was simply a way to run multiple database instances on a single copy of OFBiz - basically a user logs into a database instance. Other than that, nothing much changed - so the dangers of someone hacking into a multi-tenant instance of OFBiz is no different than a single instance.


On 1/28/2012 5:17 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
Hans, Pierre and several others have been kind enough to outline the OFBiz multi-tenant value proposition.

I appreciate this primarily because I can't even count the number of times prospective OFBiz users have asked me about it. Now, with this background information, I feel comfortable articulating the marketing value proposition.

What I still have great angst about, is the security side of multi-tenancy. Perhaps someone can clarify or answer this basic question:

What is to stop a hacker or otherwise malicious tenant from writing a Groovy script (or Java program that is inserted on the classpath when the system is rebooted) that acts as a "trojan horse"? For example, how can you stop a savvy tenant from adding a program (or, I could even see hacking the Mini-lang since all it is - is interpreted XML statements) that monitors (JVM) memory and captures shopping cart objects or usernames and passwords of the other tenants?

Really, I'd like to endorse multi-tenant implementations. But I am still left with this one - very significant - security question.

Anyone care to respond? Am I missing something here?

Ruth Hoffman

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