The main issue regardless of the URL being hit is that JSON responses return 
the entire request attribute map.  It is IMO a problem that we've always used 
the request attributes directly to pass data from events to views.


On 6/04/2012, at 10:09 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> OK, you provided links to  demo-old.ofbiz which is actually R09.04 (exactly 
> release09.04-1303717)
> But the same is still true in trunk, I checked.
> Now, I may be missing something, but I don't see how the 
> javax.servlet.request.ssl_session would exposes any security holes.
> It's not related to the session (jsessionId). Just an Id part of SSL and 
> OFBiz don't use it at all. Hence it's not used in any session related 
> mechanism.
> So my answer would be: there is no security hole regarding 
> javax.servlet.request.ssl_session (id) exposed in a json result (the request 
> being protected or not)
> Did you have something in mind?
> Jacques
> From: "Boris Hamanov" <>
>> Just do
>> 1.
>> 2.
>> 3. You get:
>> {"targetRequestUri":"/getConfigDetailsEvent","javax.servlet.request.key_size":256,"_CONTEXT_ROOT_":"/home/ofbiz/branch9/specialpurpose/ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/","javax.servlet.request.ssl_session":"E3193F0DADE7779A321E3339D8BC0D7420B9DB29283CCFFDC3C8782C0B4E12B9","_SERVER_ROOT_URL_":"","_CONTROL_PATH_":"/ecommerce/control","javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite":"DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA","thisRequestUri":"getConfigDetailsEvent","_ERROR_MESSAGE_":"configWrapper
>> is null"}
>> 4. Use your imagination :)
>> -----Original Message----- From: Jacques Le Roux
>> Date: 04 април 2012 г. 20:43 ч.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Dangerous security hole?
>> From trunk demo, I get only
>> {"targetRequestUri":"/getConfigDetailsEvent","_CONTEXT_ROOT_":"/home/ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/","_FORWARDED_FROM_SERVLET_":true,"_SERVER_ROOT_URL_":"","_CONTROL_PATH_":"/ecommerce/control","thisRequestUri":"json","_ERROR_MESSAGE_":"configWrapper
>> is null"}
>> Could you reproduce there?
>> Jacques
>> From: "Boris Hamanov" <>
>> This one is in ecommerce controller.xml
>> <request-map uri="getConfigDetailsEvent">
>> <security https="false" auth="false"/>
>> <event type="jsonjava" 
>> path="org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartEvents" 
>> invoke="getConfigDetailsEvent"/>
>> <response name="success" type="none"/>
>> <response name="error" type="none"/>
>> </request-map>
>> I believe it is very severe security thread as it does not require 
>> authentication and returns the session amongst many other
>> things:
>> {"targetRequestUri":"/ViewSimpleContent","javax.servlet.request.key_size":128,"_CONTEXT_ROOT_":"C:\\apache-ofbiz-09.04.01\\hot-deploy\\ofbec\\webapp\\husastore\\","javax.servlet.request.ssl_session":"4f7b4cdfbe32ebf5a5017336a8cab96cdd23161038c8b0c132fab3cb67d01d92","_SERVER_ROOT_URL_":"https://localhost:8443","_CONTROL_PATH_":"/husastore/control","javax.servlet.request.cipher_suite":"TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA","thisRequestUri":"getConfigDetailsEvent","_ERROR_MESSAGE_":"configWrapper
>> is null"}

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