Hello Arihant,

Tracking number is associated with Shipment.
You have to first approve your order, then click on Quick Ship Entire order
link(or pack your order). It will generate a shipment number for order.
Click on shipment id, it will navigate you to shipment detail page. Click
on route segment tab. Here you can enter tracking number to shipment.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 8:00 PM, arihant jain <onlyforsadh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to ofbiz and have been able to create sales order. There is a fair
> bit of functionality around shipment(s) which is overwhelming me. I just
> need to be able to enter a tracking number for the fedex shipment which
> will be sent to the customer against the sales order. And hopefully that
> completes the order process. Can some one point me to what menu item /
> option to be used? Also I intend to use ofbiz for pure order management /
> tracking and not for accounting purposes. i.e. I will not generate invoices
> thru ofbiz or use ofbiz for manage accounts. Do I need to do something
> special to enable that?
> Thanks
> -A

Thanks and Regards
Sumit Pandit

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