
I will have a look later today/tomorrow,



2012/6/14 Nicolas Malin <>

> Hi Pierre,
> Your suggestion is interesting and I had the same idea but not implement
> for time reason ;)
> I open an issue 
>  my first works near my customer delivery that works only on one
> invoice (but I think with many invoice on reminder)
> Nicolas
> Le 14/06/2012 11:31, Pierre Smits a écrit :
>  Nicolas,
>> First of all, great suggestion!
>> You know you have the overview of outstanding invoices in both AP and AR.
>> Maybe it would be usefull to include such a function in there. Fin Admin
>> (specifically charged with credit control) would work from that screen the
>> majority of their time.
>> If the overview there would be extended to have a tick box to include one
>> (or more) of the invoices and buttons for invoice reminder in PDF and for
>> the communication event that would trigger the process, then the manual
>> process would be covered. Don't you agree?
>> Regards,
>> Pierre
>> 2012/6/14 Nicolas 
>> Malin<malin.nicolas@**<>
>> >
>>  Hi,
>>> I checked with OFBiz if is possible to have a process to remind to a
>>> customer by letter an invoice that the due date is past and isn't paid.
>>> I don't found with ootb, this process exist in OFBiz ?
>>> Else I made on enhancement :
>>>  * Add an entity CommunicationEventInvoice
>>>  * Add entry menu Reminder Invoice on invoice menu when not paid and due
>>> date past
>>>  * Add screenlet on invoiceOverview to list all reminder do on this
>>> invoice
>>>  * Add print button to keep the letter to post
>>> Idea, When an accountant click on Reminder Invoice button, a service
>>> create a communicationEvent with reasonEnumId "REMINDER_INVOICE" and
>>> associate it with invoice. When you list all reminder, you list
>>> communicationEvent associate.
>>> The first version works only on one invoice, but it possible to improve
>>> with many invoice on one communication Event or use a dedicate screen to
>>> write a specific reminder.
>>> if it interests, I will open an issue
>>> Nicolas
>>> --
>>> Nicolas MALIN
>>> Consultant
>>> Tél :
>>> Site projet :
>>> -------
>>> Société LibrenBerry
>>> Tél :
>>> Site :
> --
> Nicolas MALIN
> Consultant
> Tél :
> Site projet :
> -------
> Société LibrenBerry
> Tél :
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