
I want to include a freemarker template using the <#include /> 
directive from another module.
The template path is given to the including ftl (in module1) through a
screen variable in the form "component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl".
The variable is named "myTemplate".

<#include myTemplate>

Freemarker cannot find the template because is searches for
Is there a way to avoid that "component://module1/includes/" is used as
the base?

I tried
<#include "/" + myTemplate>

to give Freemarker a hint for an absolute path but it says

Error rendering included template at location
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad component location
[component://component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl]: base location
missing slashes [/component://module2/path/to/ftl/name.ftl], first=0,
second=-1; should be like: component://{component-name}/relative/path

Any hints?

Thanks and regards,


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