
You can't call runSync in this way because it is wrong syntactically, you have to pass map as parameter while calling runSync. Also you can pass empty map as parameter but in this case service will return error : "IN parameter is missing".

Mayank Sheth
On 07/13/2012 05:42 PM, Prabhakar Pandey wrote:
Here is a snippet of my controller.xml

*<request-map uri="submit">
         <security https="false" auth="false" />
             <event type="java" path="org.mindtree.testapp.EmployeeEvents"
             <event type="java" path="org.mindtree.testapp.EmployeeEvents"
             <response name="success" type="view" value="main" />
can i have two events in it? and through Employee Events i am calling
viewEmployeeService in a where i am getting values
from database and storing them in map.
while i am calling from service name from *EmployeeEvents *can i directly
call runsync without sending any map.??


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