
Please take some time to understand the Mini-language grammar:

The statement

<set field="dataResourceId" from-field="STDWRAP001"/>

is saying "set the contents of the dataResourceId variable to the value contained in the STDWRAP001 variable." I don't think that is what you want. I think you want this:

<set field="dataResourceId" value="STDWRAP001"/>

which says "set the contents of the dataResourceId variable to the constant 'STDWRAP001'."


On 1/7/2013 6:44 AM, Winster Jose wrote:
Thanks for the help Atul. The concept is clear to me now.

So I just wanted to test that out. Instead of setting primary key value
from parameters, I thought of giving a hard coded value as follows.

<set field="dataResourceId" from-field="STDWRAP001"/>
<entity-one entity-name="DataResource" value-field="currentValue"/>
<set field="dataResource" from-field="currentValue"/>

where "STDWRAP001" is a valid dataresource id which exists in database. But
this is what I get in console.

* ] Returning null because found incomplete
primary key in find: [GenericEntity:DataResource][dataResourceId,null()]*

What went wrong here?

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Atul Vani <>wrote:

Whatever are the primary keys of the entity DataResource, will be searched
in the "context".

Why primary keys? because you are using entity-ONE.

And the context is where you are setting variables, dataResourceId in line
1, currentValue in line 2 and dataResource in line 3.

On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 11:49:20 +0530, Winster Jose <>

Can anyone please help me to understand below xml?

Please correct me if I am wrong. "dataResourceId" is taken from parameters
and set to field "dataResourceId". And DataResource entity is fetched (but
which will act as primary key here?) and set to field "currentValue" and
later "currentValue" is assigned to another field "dataResource".

<set field="dataResourceId" from-field="parameters.**dataResourceId"/>
<entity-one entity-name="DataResource" value-field="currentValue"/>
<set field="dataResource" from-field="currentValue"/>

Winster T Jose
Director - Technology and Architecture
Chathurangam Creative Solutions Private Ltd.
Cell: +91-98469 31020

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