Hi Greg,

As of now store credit is used for Order Return. For better clarity you go
through the Return process once. And have look at Customer profile.
1. Store credit is maintained as FinAccount only.
2. If some FinAccount is created for customer as store credit, then it is
automatically listed in the list of payment options customer can pick the
for this you need to go through "Quick checkout"
3. System will take care the currency, if your using multiple currency then
some slight modification might be needed.
4. createOrder/processPayment will take care the FinAccount as payment
5. Follow the same flow and create your own finAccountTypeId for loyalty
program, that would be better. Because existing STORE_CREDIT_ACCT is used
by the order return.

With regards,
Pradeep Kumar

With regards,
S K Pradeep Kumar,

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 2:16 PM, greg jocher <g...@jocher.ch> wrote:

> Hi
> Thank you for your input - can you give me some more details?
> Currently we have the following setup:
> - each customers owns a finaccount, type loyalty program
> - each point credit/debit has a assosiated transaction
> - productStore uses the paymentsettings of methodtype fin_account (from
> the demodata)
> - productStore has fin_account settings for the loyalty point account
> - we add the paymentinfo (finaccount, finaccountid, amount) to the
> shoppingCart before createOrder
> But now, i am stuck.
> 1. do we have to add this finaccount paymentinfo "manually" (like we do so)
> 2. do we have to add the correct amount? (grandtotal - amount >= 0) cause
> of "no cash" error
> 3. do we really have to convert the amount into the right currency?
> 4. will the processPayment or createOrder create a fin_account transaction?
> 5. is there something missing or totally wrong in our setup?
> best regards
> greg
> On 07/18/2013 06:53 PM, S K Pradeep Kumar wrote:
>> You can use the store credit.
>> With regards,
>> Pradeep Kumar
>> With regards,
>> S K Pradeep Kumar,
>> 9035009495
>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 9:29 PM, greg jocher <g...@jocher.ch> wrote:
>>  Hi all
>>> We have to add a Loyalty program based on FinAccounts(?) to our
>>> ecommerce:
>>> The customer earns points based on the order subtotal, a promotion or
>>> something.
>>> These points should be used/debited on future order(s).
>>> We tried to add both payment methods (selected + fin_account) to the
>>> cart,
>>> but only the selected one will be used.
>>> Is there a way to add a second payment method?
>>> Regards
>>> Greg

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