
Thanks for the reply.

The days variable comes directly from the database from a bsh script like:

List efforts = delegator.findByCondition(...)
context.put("efforts". efforts);

days is a Numeric (Long) in the database, and then is used in the minilang
<huperlink> tag described below.

Can you point me to the minilang code that processes this hyperlink


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Gray []
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Freemarke, printing number with no commas

Check first that the "days" variable is actually a number in the freemarker
context.  It could be that the formatting is happening earlier which would
explain why your efforts to change the formatting aren't working (because
the value may already be a string).


On 30/07/2013, at 5:05 AM, Skip wrote:

> I have a hyperlink in a form that passes a numeric value to a bash script.
> the link is like:
> <hyperlink ... target="showEntries?partyId=${partyId}&amp;days=${days}" />
> If you mouse over the link, the days variable is coming out like
> 3,313,222,978
> This used to be displayed without the commas.
> I tried ${days?c}, ${days?}, and ${days?string('0').
> All these options display nothing for the day parameter.
> Anyone have an idea on what I can try to get these commas out?
> Thanks
> Skip

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