I think this might help you : http://www.getresponse.com/

With regards,
S K Pradeep Kumar,

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Imac <edsay...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Needed to know if there was an autoresponder capability OOTB and also
> bounced mail support. I have been going over the demo for about a month now
> and have come to the conclusion that Ofbiz would most likely fit my needs
> OOTB with minor modifications (mostly on the commerce site itself), if the
> campaign (communications) features would work the way I need. My site will
> be primarily a lead generation site with ecommerce in the near future.
> Along
> with that I will also be running a services biz which will focus heavily on
> customer relations and events/speaking engagements and training sessions. I
> know Ofbiz might be overkill for this but I feel better safe than sorry for
> the future.
> One other thing would be content/site management and if I'm not mistaken,
> from what I've seen it should do ok for what I need.
> If anyone has any suggestions or comments as to what I would like to do,
> they would be much appreciated.
> Also, I am very willing to contribute back any work that I do with Ofbiz in
> exchange for your patience and help along the way. I'm going to need it!
> Thanks in advance
> Ed

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