The data model illustration by David at was 
done in Fall 2008.
The data model has not changed much since and you can safely refer to it. At 
least it's IMO the better illustration we have...
AFAIK it's complete, well organised and easy to read (as can be: though there are "only" 800+ tables in OFBiz, against for instance 3500+ in Adempiere, it's still a BIG data model)
I personally renamed the PDFs to have the page numbers in names. It's then 
easier to know which file to open when looking at the TOC.
There were some other efforts, some are older but could be interesting also in 
some cases (not arranged the same way).

When I began to work with OFBiz (ten years ago) I looked for a graphic tool to dynamically represent the data model. I tried some then but nothing was really useful.
Maybe there are appropriate tools now...



Le 02/03/2014 07:58, Adrian Crum a écrit :
Originally, the data model was based on the The Data Model Resource Book. But 
the project has deviated from that model a lot since then.

The diagrams you are looking at are quite old, and they demonstrate a fundamental flaw in documentation of that sort - the data model continues to evolve and any attempt to document it is obsolete soon after it is created.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 3/1/2014 5:36 PM, Chris Perry wrote:
Hi Jacques,
I did see those diagrams. Is that the complete data model? I thought there
was another set of diagrams in the older user documentation that was
(possibly) more complete.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Le Roux []
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Ofbiz data model

I guess you are thinking about this page


Le 01/03/2014 20:24, Chris Perry a écrit :
Can someone please point me to the complete set of data model diagrams
that used to be easy to find?



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