I even wrote a blog about it....


did not use this feature for some time.....


On 07/03/14 05:09, Nicolas wrote:
Thank you very much Hans, but...

1/ I suppose that we don't use the same versions of OFBiz :
- I'm using OFBiz 12.04.02, with JDK 1.7 update 51 (64-bits), in a Windows 64-bits environment. - When I read your answer or old mails in the ML (such as : http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ofbiz-dev/201205.mbox/%3cCAHn+_8OaGsuSRqkKnd8EH0mFamwVu=oenuryyqxzazac_rp...@mail.gmail.com%3e), everybody talks about the "setup option in the main menu". But I don't see this option. When I use my "production sequence", the setup option is absent from the menus (cf attached files im1_top_menu.png and im2_acc_menu.png). - I don't reach the Setup application by using a menu. I reach the Setup application by using its url (cf attached file im3_setup.png).

2/ I've tried to follow your hint about PartyAcctgPreference :
- I have not seen much accounting info in the Setup application.
- By using the Accounting application and the menu "Organization GL Settings", I have seen a Setup option, next to my company's name. - I have clicked this "Setup" and filled my "accounting preferences" and clicked "Add". My information have been saved and the "Add" button has become an "Update" button.
- Is my manipulation correct (and equivalent to your advice) ?

3/ Even if you confirm that there is a link between "the 'Set to complete' button in the Setup application" and "the 'Setup' option next to my company's name in the Accounting application", the sequence "Setup application (to fill the company basic info) -> Accounting application (to fill the company accounting info) -> Setup application (to click on 'Set to complete')" is too strange. I must be making a mistake somewhere. And with all these doubts I have not clicked on 'Set to complete' yet... Well, I'm lost.

Thanks in advance

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:48 AM, Hans Bakker <mailingl...@antwebsystems.com <mailto:mailingl...@antwebsystems.com>> wrote:

    The setup option in the main menu will only appear if there is no
    entry in the entity: PartyAcctgPreference

    If you add a new accounting company, you can add data that later
    you cannot modify like the currency of that company.

    If you select the setup to be complete, the accounting company is
    added to the PartyAcctgPreference entity and the setup option will
    diappear from the menu. Any data entered can be modified except
    for the specific data on the PartyAcctgPreference entity which can
    however be modified using webtools but not with the regular user


    On 06/03/14 02:37, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

        Note that, IIRW before using the Setup application you need
        first "'to seed OFBiz" (ant load-seed or maybe even load-extseed)
        And then create an admin account: ant create-admin-user-login

        I let Hans, who created the Setup application, complete/amend
        my answer and answer deeper to your question.

        I personally prefer to seed by importing specific files, but
        that's a point of view.


        Le 05/03/2014 19:10, Nicolas a écrit :


            When I've used the Setup application, I've followed this
            sequence :
            1/ ant start
            2/ use the Setup application
            3/ ant stop.

            Since then, I'm using OFBiz with this "production sequence" :
            1/ ant start
            2/ use the OFBiz applications (beginning, for instance, with
            3/ ant stop.

            During my setup sequence, I have followed the steps from
            the internal help (
            with one
            exception : the advice "click 'Set to complete' button".
            I've ignored this
            advice because :
            - I thought "I have not filled all the configurable parts
            (I've no product
            store or web site or first customer yet) so there is a
            risk that 'Set to
            complete' blocks everything".
            - I thought "I will check JIRA, the mailing list, and the
            Wiki, to
            understand the exact goal of this button".
            - I thought "In my opinion, the Setup application is not
            mandatory, it is
            just a wizard, so it shouldn't block anything. I should be
            able to complete
            / modify all my items at any time by using my production
            - Before launching my "production sequence" for the first
            time, I thought
            "Perhaps I won't find my configured organization because
            I've not clicked
            'Set to complete' ". But I've launched my "production
            sequence" and all my
            configured data are visible.

            So : what is the exact goal / consequence of the 'Set to
            complete' button
            in the Setup application ?
            And : Is this button able to "freeze" some data so that it
            can't be
            completed / modified at any time by using my production
            sequence ?

            Thanks in advance

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