Felt I may not have been clear in previous message.  This pertains to
purchase shipments.  createInvoicesFromReturnShipment seems to work fine
for sales returns.

On Wed, 2015-03-04 at 08:15 -0600, Christian Carlow wrote:
> Can anyone enlighten me on how to get createInvoicesFromReturnShipment
> working?  For purchaseReturnFound it looks for ItemIssuances related to
> the shipment but I've found no way to create item issuances for it.
> AddItemsFromInventory.groovy handles the shipment "Order Items" page
> where issuances can be created but depends on ShipmentItems existing
> which do not exist and cannot be created for Purchase Return.  Is there
> functionality somewhere else that sets up item issuances for the
> shipment? 

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