
Another OFBiz success story! Vishal Mega Mart went live recently, take a look at

Vishal are a well known Indian retailer who operate over 140 "mega" stores throughout the country. Each store is roughly comparable to a Price Club/Costco -- offering apparel and grocery products. Their target audience is the bargain hunter!

There are some interesting features for this implementation:

 * Two stores in one
     o The Fashion and Grocery stores are actually separate implementations
     o With slightly different UI / look-and-feel
     o The client was looking to have separate silos for their two main
       product lines

 * Pin Code Checker
     o Best viewed on the "Grocery" site
     o Like many India retailers,  most orders will be COD
     o BigFish is integrated with the "Blue Dart" delivery service
     o Both sites will check for delivery capaibility -- a PIN Code
       check is made -- use122001 if you go to the sites

 * Shopping List Features
     o Viewed on "Grocery" site
     o Click on "Shopping List Search"
     o Enter any number of phrases (a shopping list)
     o This search will display all matching products based on phrases

 * Filtering features
     o BigFish is fully integrated with SOLR, for site search and
       filtering on the listing pages
     o Vishall has a nice price "slider" implemented as a filtering option

 * Back-end integration
     o Inventory synchronization
     o Loyalty Card features, integrated with the Vishall Loyalty
       program. Can view points, and use in check-out
     o BigFish Admin Module has many enhanced delivery features to
       schedule and track deliveries and payments

 * India specific features
     o rupees, address, date, phone formats all geared for India consumers

 * Responsive Web Design
     o Both sites are RWD, a core feature of BigFish

For more information about BigFish check out


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