is there a way for me to import an xml file in a similiar fashion to the
way i can import products from an external database to increase the
inventory count...  you may have seen my previous question about how to
mass import pictures...  I have figured that out with a script that
combines the functionality of imagemajicks convert function, used through a
system call from gawk, multiplied over the various picture sizes, and a
simple text file that enumerated what each picture's associated productid
was in a line delimited fashion...

I like running a simple text file through a script to automate these ofbiz
functions as a much simpler way to do batch processing of jobs that already
are a bit of a task, but having to go into each item and recieve
inventory... well.... i refurb printers and everyone that i strip apart
yields about 20-40 parts... multiply that over approximately 20 printers a
pallet... you get the idea i would ideally have a line delimited or csv
delimited file that can be processed by gawk into an xml file that i can do
the load-extdata call from ant with

could i just create a ShipmentReceipt.xml and load that... it just seems
like that is a marking of the transaction and not the transaction

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