I've seen it done with a separate Delegator but it needed a code change
since there's no configurable way to disable the JobManager.

Main issues to be aware of:
- Transaction isolation, you can't see uncommitted modifications made in
same call chain
- If the read replica lags too far behind then you have issues if the code
depends on the data being up to date

On 7 May 2015 08:01, "Nicolas Malin" <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> For a customer site I deployed an OFBiz instance connected with a readonly
> postgres database (replicated slave).
> To realize it, I created a new DAO implementation with only authorize the
> find and with some little entity engine configuration (disable eeca), this
> work pretty fine.
> Do you realized an equivalent OFBiz deployment on read only database ? and
> How did you do ? I will appreciate some other feedback to check If my
> improvement toke the good ways and if it's interesting to contribute it on
> the project (code and wiki ;) ).
> Nicolas

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