Hi all,
I am working on the tutorial to become familiar with ofbiz development
and I have encountered this:

in Controller.xml on createPracticePerson, when I set https to true, I
get the following error after creating a person and only one record is
created, which occurs when I click last on navigation buttons of the
form list person which is just above the create person form:

Error calling event: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException:
Found URL parameter [firstName] passed to secure (https) request-map
with uri [createPracticePerson] with an event that calls service
[createPracticePerson]; this is not allowed for security reasons! The
data should be encrypted by making it part of the request body (a form
field) instead of the request URL. Moreover it would be kind if you
could create a Jira sub-task of
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2330 (check before if a
sub-task for this error does not exist). If you are not sure how to
create a Jira issue please have a look before at
http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/JIB2 Thank you in advance for
your help.

But when I set https to false, the error disappears but now duplicate
records are created with different user ID. I do not understand what
is causing this. I am using ofbiz 13.07.02.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Tiwonge kawonga

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