Hi Gabriel,

We had a requirement once where security needed to be on row / record
level, and OFBiz does supports this on the widget level.

Your solution is not hard, you will probably need to define a few view
entities with constraints on roletype of logged in user. You will also
limit what shows up on the screen with hasrolepermission tags.

This section might help:


Taher Alkhateeb
On Aug 26, 2015 3:04 AM, "Gabriel Oberreuter" <goberreu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following requirement:
> At our company, Invoices are always assigned to a sales_rep executive, and
> in Ofbiz we do this by creating an InvoiceRole (roleTypeId SALES_REP)
> between each Invoice and its corresponding sales rep.
> Now, we need to limit the access of each sales rep only to his own
> Invoices. Can be this done within the included Ofbiz functionality?
> As far as I know (don't know much of inner part of ofbiz yet), we need some
> customization. I am thinking of modifying each invoice screen (or screen's
> forms) to limit the invoice list based on the logged in user, which has to
> be some kind of admin or a sales rep. In the latter case, the filter should
> only include invoices belonging to this sales rep.
> I am also thinking in a hierarchical schemma, were sales_rep supervisors
> have access to all their supervised sales_rep.
> Any better idea? Am I pointing in the right direction?
> I know that we can limit access to accounting with security groups, but I
> think that security groups is not the way to go, as I believe they are
> thought to restrict by kinds of operations, but not by (sub)groups of
> elements meeting certain conditions.
> Thanks!!
> --
> Gabriel Oberreuter
> Mobile: +56 9 85299198

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