Thanks again ! I'm glad and impressed by the quick answers and their thoughtful content !

To respect the generic solution, maybe we could start with the possibility to bill hours of all the sub-projects of a project in one invoice. In the "Project" component, there already is a "sub-project" relation and you can even list the actual hours of every sub-projects of this project. But you can't bill the hours spent on the sub-projects from the 'father' project.

Would allowing this billing be generic enough ?
The result would be :
- If I'm on the 'father' project and I select the tab "billing", I could create an invoice with all the hours reported/approved of the sub-projects - If I'm on a sub-project, I could still "bill" the hours specific to this project and have one invoice by sub-project

This would be for the "Project" component only (I'm completely letting aside the crossing Scrum/Project for this subject)

Have a nice day,

Florian Montalbano

Le 13/07/2016 11:37, Pierre Smits a écrit :
Hi Florian,

Yes, It is fairly common - across the various industry sectors - that
framework agreements dictate that combined invoices will be delivered. E.g.
in the logistic services where the LSP provides a monthly aggregated
service invoice for al the transport orders they have executed. Or in the
Professional services sector with respect of secondment. Even in B2B trade
sectors this happens.

Now if you can come up with a generic solution that would be acceptable as
a baseline, then this could be introduced and included as a new feature or
enhancement of the accounting component. This would surely increase the
appeal of OFBiz...

If  you feel you can, why don't create a JIRA issue, solicit support and
help getting that resolved.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

OFBiz based solutions & services

OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 11:14 AM, Taher Alkhateeb <> wrote:

Hi Florian,

My personal opinion on this would be that this is a customization that is
probably better not to introduce directly to the framework. Probably many
customers require many different variations on billing. So this is a place
where an infinite amount of variations can happen right?

So I would suggest to you to work on SECAs to wire up the invoicing to your
liking. This is the easiest way I can think of that has minimal
intervention on the code without digging into too much detail.

I hope this is useful.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Montalbano Florian <> wrote:

Hi all,
I have a client who wants only one invoice for the several projects we
have with him.
So, I'm trying to create an invoice from the hours spent on a project
managed in the "Project" component and from the hours spent on a project
managed in the "Scrum" component.

On the one hand, the billing from the two components seems close and I
wondering if there was a way to create a project including the two other
(as sub-project) to then bill all the hours registered in the same
On the other hand, it feels like the client asks for something not that
standard with this and maybe I should find a way to "merge" the two
invoices instead.

What are you thoughts on this subject ?

Have a nice day,

Florian Montalbano

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