First let me say I have not been in this list for a while. My interest in OFBiz 
has been renewed.

1. Database Setup: I was able to setup OFBiz 13.07 to use MySql (MariaDB) 
successfully following the documentation. Now that I would like to work with 
the latest code 16.11 I followed the Gradle docs which state the same process 
but there is no ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc directory. The 
system works perfectly fine with the derby database but I cannot find any way 
to use an alternate database? (Like I said, confused)

2. IP configurations: I was able to get OFBiz (ant and gradle) to respond to my 
hostname properly by modifying ${ofbiz install 
dir}/framework/webapp/config/ and set the host name for 8443 and 8080. 
I see many posts and web articles referencing ${ofbiz install 
dir}/framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml to set the IP address of the system. 
i.e. to configure OFBiz with NGINX. Editing this file I see no reference to 
<property name=“address” value=“”/> in this file.

#1 is probably the most pressing for us. As we see this a required for a 
production system.

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