I had been using this as reference:
Your check made me realize the db was name "ofbizdb" and not "ofbiz". Once that 
was fixed it worked. I still need to see if I can make it work for a simple 
store cash register function (with later addition of online sales), but 
permission issues seem to be gone.
Incidentally, the sample data "initialsetup" page lists several fields for the 
Party Id "Company", and although groups are explained, can someone tell me the 
difference and meaning for "Group Name Local" and "Office Site Name" versus 
just "Group Name"? My setup is for a single store with no external warehouse 
and no other offices, I'm unsure of what the intent was with those fields.
----- Original Message -----From: Mike <mz4whee...@gmail.com>To: user 
<user@ofbiz.apache.org>Sent: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 04:28:34 -0000 (UTC)Subject: Re: 
Current PostgreSQL Instructions

You should be able to, as the user running ofbiz, type the following. TheIP 
must match what is in the file: entityengine.xml

psql -h IP_OF_DB_HOST -U ofbiz -d ofbiz[ENTER PASSWORD] ("ofbiz")

If the above doesn't work, then you may need to tweak the postgresfile: 
pg_hba.conf, and perform a postgresql "reload" (or restart): Examples:

host all all md5host all all md5local all all peer

Depend on that you have locally setup. For your entityengine.xml, use

<group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostnew"/>

[localpostnew is superior]

Under the localpostnew section, make sure you have:

<inline-jdbc jdbc-driver="org.postgresql.Driver" 
jdbc-uri="jdbc:postgresql://IP_OF_DB_HOST/ofbiz" jdbc-username="ofbiz" 

Also, to have ofbiz re-init the database, it first has to exist:

postgres> CREATE DATABASE ofbiz;

Remember, use the "psql" command above to test whether ofbiz can properlylogin 
as he user "dan". A better test:

dan> psql -h IP_OF_DB_HOST -U ofbiz -d ofbiz -c "CREATE DATABASE ofbiz;"[ENTER 
PASSWORD] ("ofbiz")

Good luck

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 7:23 PM, <stim...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi,>> ...logged in to psql as user postgres...> psql (9.4.9)Type "help" for 
> help. postgres=# \du> List of roles Role name | Attributes> | Member of 
> -----------+------------------------------------------------+-----------> 
> ofbiz | Create role, Create DB, Replication | {} dan |> Create role, Create 
> DB, Replication | {} postgres | Superuser,> Create role, Create DB, 
> Replication | {}> Earlier I had fewer permissions, errors changed to 
> transaction errors> after adding more permissions/roles to user ofbiz in 
> PostgreSQL. I'm> wondering, since I'm running ofbiz from my regular system 
> account user> (user ofbiz exists only in PostgreSQL and is not a system 
> account), yet> seeing failures in file reads from my regular user (ofbiz is 
> located in> ~dan/ofbiz/), if perhaps some aspect of the SQL query is somehow 
> unable to> read files because of an suid within ofbiz? Ofbiz is run in 
> "~dan/ofbiz/"> as user dan via "./gradlew loadDefault"...I would think that 
> any file reads> would be as user dan, but apparently this isn't true. Example 
> failure:> 2017-03-12 19:07:26,728 |main |EntityDataLoadContainer> |I| 
> [loadData]: Error loading XML Resource "file:/home/dan/ofbiz/> 
> framework/security/data/SecurityPermissionSeedData.xml"; Error was: A> 
> transaction error occurred reading data> Basically user "dan" running gradlew 
> cannot read his own file verified to> be accessible in 
> /home/dan/ofbiz/framework/security/data/SecurityPermissionSeedData.xml> as if 
> he isn't really user dan. Is gradlew performing some sort of sudo and> 
> reading files as someone other than the user that starts gradlew?>> Thanks!>> 
> ----- Original Message -----From: Mike <mz4whee...@gmail.com>To: user <> 
> user@ofbiz.apache.org>Sent: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 01:55:09 -0000 (UTC)Subject:> 
> Re: Current PostgreSQL Instructions>> What is your output using "\du ofbiz">> 
> postgres=# \du ofbiz List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member> 
> of-----------+------------+----------- ofbiz | Create DB | {}>> On Sun, Mar 
> 12, 2017 at 2:57 PM, <stim...@comcast.net> wrote:>> > Hi,>> I'm just trying 
> to evaluate ofbiz for some simple POS needs (which> is of> course not really 
> simple). I see there is a lot of ofbiz> development> activity, and thus a lot 
> of documents which are actually out> of date.> Sometimes for example the 
> instructions use "ant" directly and do> not know> of the gradlew command. In 
> entityengine.xml information I> sometimes see> PostgreSQL info which refers 
> to "org.ofbiz", but this is out> of date and is> actually "org.apache.ofbiz". 
> The little things like that> are derailing me.>> To make a long story short, 
> I have PostgreSQL running> on Fedora, and> apache-ofbiz-16.11.01 working with 
> Derby, but need to> change to PostgreSQL> (and PostgreSQL is up and running 
> with both my> regular user and with> "ofbiz/ofbiz" name/pass), and getting 
> connection> refused (I can manually> run commands such as createdb and dropdb 
> without> issue). Basically there is> some small detail I'm missing and am 
> wondering> if there is current> documentation on setting up ofbiz with 
> PostgreSQL> which I'm missing?>> I really like this documentation...but 
> unfortunately> it is wrong (out of> date):> https://cwiki.apache.org/> 
> confluence/display/OFBIZ/Apache+OFBiz+Technical+>> Production+Setup+Guide>> 
> This in turn points out a lot of facts through> here:> 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/>> 
> Entity+Engine+Configuration+Guide>> ...but I'm more interested in getting> it 
> working and that information> appears to only be for people who already> 
> understand ofbiz setup (there are> a lot of facts there and no example> which 
> works with 16.11.01). I was under> the impression that if PostgreSQL> were 
> set up and the ofbiz name/pass is> able to create tables then the> "gradlew 
> loadDefault" would be able to load> sample data into PostgreSQL> without 
> manually creating each table. Am I> incorrect on this? Do I need to> manually 
> create tables? I can attach my> entityengine.xml edits, but wanted> to know 
> first if there are explicit> instructions somewhere for the current> 16.11.01 
> (I am not interested in> customization and developing new apps, I> just want 
> to see the minimal> sample data using PostgreSQL).>> Thanks!>

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