The theme used is important in this case, else simply follow



Le 18/03/2017 à 09:18, Pierre Smits a écrit :

If you feel this is a bug, feel free to create a JIRA issue and state the
version and theme you're using. You can upload your screenshot there. Also
consider to reference links to our demo environment(s).

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

OFBiz based solutions & services

OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 11:29 PM, <> wrote:


Sorry to keep replying to my own question, but I have additional
information. It seems the hover-over menus when the mouse is over that
top-left nav link (just below the Ofbiz logo) are intended to be
reachable...under rare circumstances I've managed to get the mouse to get
to the hover-over/context-sensitive/pop-up area without it disappearing.

The bug seems to be that there is blank padding between the actual hot
spot for where mouse hover enables the hover-over menus to be visible and
the actual menus which are produced as the result of the mouse hovering
over the area. When moving the mouse from the area it hovers over towards
the pop-up menus hitting that padding between the areas causes a mouse exit
event before reaching the pop-up...the pop-up goes away. Different zoom
levels *sometimes* make it possible to hit the context-sensitive pop-ups,
but it is very difficult. I've tested on both firefox and konqueror. Ofbiz
is 16.11.01. Is this anything anyone else here has seen before? I'm
thinking it is a show stopper and I'm going to need to figure out bug
reporting or switch to an older version, but I'd like to know first if
anyone here is aware of the problem or has a comment on how to proceed.


----- Original Message -----From: stimits@comcast.netTo:
user@ofbiz.apache.orgSent: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 19:22:48 -0000 (UTC)Subject:
Re: Mouse Hover-Over Menus

Sorry, it looks like the email list strips attachments. A bit more
description is that there is a hierarchical navigation summary of where the
user is currently at. It seems to start with "Applications" for the screens
I'm looking at, and then appends other entries as you go further into
whichever application. The bug or issue is that I can't move the mouse down
to any of those soon as the mouse isn't hovering over the main
part of that menu the hover-over menu goes away. ----- Original Message
-----From: stimits@comcast.netTo: user@ofbiz.apache.orgSent: Fri, 17 Mar
2017 19:15:20 -0000 (UTC)Subject: Mouse Hover-Over Menus

Hi, Attached is an ofbiz screenshot taken from firefox. I'm wondering why
some menus are visible but not accessible. In the upper left corner there
is a hierarchical list of where the user is currently at. In the attached
screenshot this is "Applications > Order Manager", and the mouse is
hovering over "Order Manager", which shows subsets of what looks like links
(e.g., "Requests", "Quotes"...). Moving the mouse to click on anything
causes those links to go's like chasing a rainbow. Is this a bug,
and those links were intended to be reachable, or is the mouse hover over
of those links merely information? Thanks!

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