I have a problem with a field named "description".  The problem is that when
I write to this field, it never ends up in the database.

The entity definition looks like this:

   <entity entity-name="VendingMachinePack"
        field name="description" type="description"
        field name="descAgain" type="description"

I write to the field like this:

Map input = UtilMisc.toMap(...);
input.put("description", description);
input.put("descAgain", description);

GenericValue newPack = delegator.makeValue("VendingMachinePack", input);
System.out.println("Have Pack = " + newPack);

System.out.println("Have description " + newPack.getString("description"));



My log file shows the correct description from the System.out.println("Have
description " statement.

However, looking at the table using WebTools, the description field is

I added a second description field called "descAgain" and this shows up fine
as well as all the other 20 fields in the table.  Just the description field
is empty.

There are dozens of uses of "description" as a field name.

Looking at the table with pgAdmin (I am using postgres), I find the field
DESCRITPTION as expected, but it is empty.

I have tried deleting the table with pgAdmin and having it automatically
recreated.  As can be seen above, I have tried calling newPack.create();
instead of delegator.storeAll(toStore); as well as a bunch of other stuff.

Nothing I have tried has any effect on "description" this field.

My log file has no errors.

Anyone have any ideas on what might be going on?


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