Hi Max,

see UtilHttp.streamContentToBrowser(...). You'll find some examples in the OFBiz codebase.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 14.06.17 um 19:10 schrieb Max Peak:
Hi All

I would like to retrieve a static PDF file from ofbiz. Here's the scenario:
Web page link calls javascript function to load file to pdf viewer object in
div using  object.data=somerequest?FileID.

The documentation seems confusing on this point, always pointing to some
process to create a pdf and download it.

What I would like to do is (from browser) include a file ID with the request
to the server, forward it to a groovy script to find or retrieve the file,
then pass the file (or a pointer to it) to  screen widget or FTL to return
file to browser as application/pdf  mime type.

So, how does one include an argument with a request, then use it on the
server side?

Is it possible to pass a file through the context? (ie., from groovy to FTL
as a file object)

Is this a view-map type screenfop or simpleContent?  Or is it a reponse type
view at all?

Many thanks to the experts out there.


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