Hello All,

First of all. I am impressed with efforts put by you all in Ofbiz. Really
appreciate it!
I Was feeling to get my hands dirty with it so was trying to play around
creating screens etc. especially using Person entity.

However, I am a bit confused with handling of date time formats.
Hopefully some of you can help me with it.

*==========Creating Person===========*
- I have created a menu item saying 'create'.
- When clicked user is shown a popup wherein he can enter in name and date
of birth.
- Datepicker works here and format used is 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MI:SS' e.g.
14/07/2017 17:18:44
-The format seems to be matching the one used by operating system.
*==========Showing Person Details =================*
- Then user saves the entered values.
- Person entity gets created successfully & user is shown details of the
person created.
- On this page the date of birth is displayed using format 'yyyy-MM-dd'
e.g. 2017-07-14

The line from form doing this is
<field name="birthDate" title="Date of Birth" required-field="true"
position="1"><display default-value="${person.birthDate}"/></field>
*=========Editing Person ==========================*
- I have edit button right next person details.
- If user clicks on it I show same form that was used for creating Person
but this time with hidden party id etc.
- The form seems to be working as expected because I can change Person name
etc. without any issues.
- However 'date of birth' textbox shows date in the form of 'yyyy-MM-dd'
and datepicker button next to it is missing.

Now coming to the question, I was under impression that by default, ofbiz
would consistently use same date time format if I am not changing anything
anywhere. i.e. whatever it chose right at the beginning.
However it seems like when we fetch the datetime from db, due to some
reason ofbiz goes for 'yyyy-MM-dd' instead of what it did on user creation
screen i.e. 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MI:SS'.
My guess is this also make datepicker javascript fail on edit screen which
works during creation of user.

Below is how I have included the person's birth date on the form.
*<field name="birthDate" title="Date of Birth"
It is the same form that gets used for creating as well as editing. I have
followed how it is done in Example application.

Any hint about what is it that I am missing here? Is there any single place
where I can say use 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mi:ss' globally?

Sameer Apte

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