Hi Jaques,

Many thanks for the time you spent to test this process.

I will apply the patch and try with another password with no special characters. Could you give me the old password you used for this test ?

For properties setting i have no opinion at this time... a new thread is ne



On 07/07/2017 08:53, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Pierre,

I did not reproduce your error. But I found another issue and fixed it with OFBIZ-9449. Then, if I take apart the setting of SMTP that I have to closely review, (was not a problem for you Pierre, so no worries here), I was able to generate the form in log. But found that the URL has the "://" part HTML encrypted which can't be interpreted by browsers. When replacing this part I was able to have the mechanism working correctly, ie changed the password. I strongly suppose the encryption is done for possible special characters in the password. But I did not find yet why and where it's applied to the whole URL. Could you please apply the fix and try to see if it has an impact on your issue?

Here are other issues I crossed and ideas about them (mostly for myself, comments are welcome)

Due to OFBIZ-7112 we have now duplicated data in properties files and the seed data. OFBIZ-7112 and related issues (OFBIZ-7754, OFBIZ-6164, OFBIZ-6166 and more like OFBIZ-6711, OFBIZ-6065, OFBIZ-6066, I'll stop here there is another bunch of it) are all blocked by a decision to be taken for OFBIZ-7112 and OFBIZ-7754. The rest should come easier after. In the meantime I want to comment in properties files that there are duplicated properties in seed data. Always annoying to change a property value in file w/o effect :/

We need to clarify this comment in general properties.
# -- The default domainname used in the notification emails links
# as 'baseUrl' and 'baseSecureUrl' are set in the url.properties file.
There are no (longer?) 'baseUrl' and 'baseSecureUrl' in the url.properties file.

I want to understand and possibly fix this kind of error messages
2017-07-06 14:17:58,593 |jsse-nio-8443-exec-4 |RequestHandler |E| Request setLocaleFromBrowser caused an error with the following message: User authorization is required for this service: setLocaleFromBrowser



Le 06/07/2017 à 12:22, pierre.gaudin a écrit :
Thanks Jacques ;-)

On 06/07/2017 10:24, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Pierre,

I'll have a look today...


Le 06/07/2017 à 10:09, pierre.gaudin a écrit :
Hi all,

Is there anyone with the same error?


On 04/07/2017 11:01, pierre.gaudin wrote:
Hi all,

While testing the sending of a new password on a local trunk, I meet an error.
Here are the stapes to reproduce:
 - ont the login page click on 'Forgot Your Password?'
 - an email is sent with a link
 - click the link
 - a form is display allowing to indicate the new password
 - clik on submit button and then an error message is display

In the local OFBiz log i can see this errror message :
Unable to execute 'doFinal' with cipher instance [javax.crypto.Cipher@42f40da].

If i do the same on on trunk demo i see this error message :
org.apache.ofbiz.entity.EntityCryptoException: org.apache.ofbiz.entity.EntityCryptoException: key(Secret Key) not found in database (key(Secret Key) not found in database) at org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityCrypto.decrypt(EntityCrypto.java:138) ~[ofbiz.jar:?] at org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.control.LoginWorker.login(LoginWorker.java:336) [ofbiz.jar:?]

Is there a way to fix this error?

Thanks in advance,


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