Hello Akash,

>>Just want to confirm that, is it expected behaviour OR incoming payment
>>transactions should also be posted in company currency (USD) for SO.
If the transactions are recorded in home currency, the rate at which the
foreign currency is exchanged should be recorded as well.
You need to record the transaction in the foreign currency itself when you
maintain the balance of the concerned account in foreign currency.

Thanks & Regards

Vaibhav Jain
Hotwax Systems,

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 11:18 AM, Akash Jain <akash.j...@hotwaxsystems.com>

> Hello All,
> I have verified multi-currency flow for SO and PO, here is the detail:
> PO: Company currency is USD and Supplier currency is EUR, then,
> -- order created in supplier currency
> -- inventory cost of products are company currency after receiving
> products.
> -- invoice created in supplier currency
> -- payment created in supplier currency
> -- accounting transactions (for Purchase Invoice, Outgoing Payment and
> Payment
> Applied types) posted in company currency.
> I think this flow is working as expected, please confirm?
> SO: Company currency is USD and Customer currency is EUR, then,
> -- order created in customer currency
> -- invoice created in customer currency
> -- payment created in customer currency
> -- accounting transactions (for Sales Invoice and Payment Applied types)
> posted in company currency.
> -- accounting transactions for *Incoming Payment* type posted in *customer*
>  currency.
> Just want to confirm that, is it expected behaviour OR incoming payment
> transactions should also be posted in company currency (USD) for SO.
> Thanks in advance for your reply!
> Thanks and Regards
> --
> Akash Jain
> www.hotwaxsystems.com
> www.hotwax.co

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