
I recommend to use the Gradle task to create a complete plugin with all necessary structures and files, see README.md:


### Create a new plugin

Create a new plugin. The following project parameters are passed:

- pluginId: mandatory
- pluginResourceName: optional, default is the Capitalized value of pluginId
- webappName: optional, default is the value of pluginId
- basePermission: optional, default is the UPPERCASE value of pluginId

`gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin`

`gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin -PpluginResourceName=MyPlugin -PwebappName=mypluginweb -PbasePermission=MYSECURITY`

The above command creates a new plugin in /plugins/myplugin



Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 25.10.17 um 08:08 schrieb Tejas Lot:
Hello Deepak,

My Java class structure was not proper.

It was "customPlugin/src/myPackage", I changed it to "customPlugin/src/main/java/myPackage" and it worked.

Thank you.

Warm regards,
Tejas Lot.
vnnogile Solutions Private Limited

On 10/25/2017 11:20 AM, Deepak Dixit wrote:
On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Deepak Dixit <
deepak.di...@hotwaxsystems.com> wrote:

Hi Tejas,

Could you please share your java class structure?

Could you please share your plugin structure?

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

You need to keep java files at following location
src/main/java/<your package>

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Tejas Lot <tejas....@vnnogile.in> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I have downloaded latest version (apache-ofbiz-16.11.03) of apache ofbiz and I am not able to build java classes created inside my custom plugin.

I need to know to process to build java classes created inside custom

Thanking you,

Warm regards,
Tejas Lot.
vnnogile Solutions Private Limited

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