The hot-deploy order was removed after the release branch for 16.11 was created, along with the removal of specialpurpose (now ofbiz-plugins in another repository).

So plugins is available in trunk and the 17.12 release branch.

If you use 16.11, your custom components should be placed in hot-deploy. When you move to trunk or 17.12, you can simply move the components into the plugins folder.



Am 31.01.18 um 23:19 schrieb
It was quite some time back (well, a year...that's like 7 dog years or 14 programmer years) it was announced that hot-deploy was being deprecated:
The directory still exists in 16.11.04. Would it be correct to assume that even if this still works it would better to make any customization in plugins (mentioned in the above URL)? And would this be true of custom component loads of data when nothing else is being customized, or is data load customization a completely different topic for building custom gradlew load targets? Thanks!

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