Hi Siegfried,

the gradle task is running until it is stopped, if it is at 91% OFBiz is started already.

In trunk and 17.12, this is also indicated by a splash screen.

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 03.02.18 um 09:43 schrieb Siegfried Theobald:
Hi Michael, Jacques and Craig,
thanks for your help.
I installed jdk1.8.0 and use gradlew ofbiz.
Then the build procedure ran, but only up to 91 %
I had to leave the house and the procedure stopped at 19:33 last evening.
When I came back and loged into Windows again, the procedure continued working, 
but stopped again after a certain time.
At the moment it seems, that the procedure sends emails every 15 minutes.
The last message is as follows:
Sync service [default /sendEmailDated] finished in [125] milisenconds
In the command line I see: >Building 91% > :ofbiz
Is there anything wrong or do I have to be patient?

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