Thanks Taher, for the extended reply.

currently I have tried the most simple one:
java -jar build/libs/ofbiz.jar

this works outside the docker image, however within the running container it gives the error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException
        at org.apache.ofbiz.base.start.Start.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        ... 1 more

perhaps you have a suggestion for me?

thanks again for your help.

On 21/02/18 17:56, Taher Alkhateeb wrote:
Oh I just remembered something else you might want to do. You can create a
volume for the cache, this way you wait for the download only the first
time you instantiate the image and subsequent container instantiations
would not need to download anything

On Feb 21, 2018 9:55 AM, "Taher Alkhateeb" <>

The image has to get larger, there is no way around that. Either you
repopulate the cache or save a bigger image. OFBiz will not work without
its libraries just like in the ant days.

For me I have a big OFBiz image because I don't care about size as much as
I do about startup time.

Now your question was how to start without a rebuild. You can either:

1- in build.gradle go to the method createOfbizCommandTask and remove
"dependsOn build"
2- run java -jar build/libs/ofbiz.jar

On Feb 21, 2018 8:03 AM, "Hans Bakker" <> wrote:

Good day!

i am trying to create a docker image of the new ofbiz using gradle.

And obviously i want a quick startup time.

So i run all the gradle build tasks offline, copy the result in a docker
image and install it in a docker environment.

Then as normal run ./gradlew ofbiz  as the startup command.

Then because the gradle cache is not there gradle rebuids. Copying the
gradle cache into the docker image is no option, because it gets
substantial bigger.

How to start the system assuming the build was successful and no rebuild is



Hans Bakker

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