Hi James ,

We use a "frontend" apache that "ProxyPass" es to backend tomcat .
it is possible to configure N number of virtual hosts on frontend proxying
to the backend .

It is also possible to use virtual hosting on both the servers (frontend
and backend (tomcat) , in that case you can keep ProxyPreserveHost On
in case of apache.

Such an arrangement helps in scaling as a light weight frontend server
can be spawned in large number of processes or threads but not the
heavyweight backend.

it certain scenarios, such a setup helps in management of SSL certificates


On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 7:07 PM, <ja...@productive1.com> wrote:

> Should web server be different from our main Ofbiz server?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Multiple eCommerce Websites & Mapping
> From: Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de>
> Date: Tue, April 10, 2018 2:43 pm
> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Hi James,
> I have to be brief but hope it helps anyway:
> 1. setup a WebSite entity with domain and webSiteId
> 2. configure you webapp like this
>      <webapp name="mySite"
>          title="mySite"
>          app-bar-display="false"
>          server="default-server"
>          location="webapp/mySite"
>          mount-point="/">
>          <virtual-host host-name="www.mySite.com"/>
>          <init-param name="webSiteId" value="mySite"/>
>      </webapp>
> 3. Configure your web server with a virtual host and ServerName
> www.mySite.com
> 4. Add ProxyPass with AJP protocol to virtual host configuration
> ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
> ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/
> 5. disable the http/https connectors of Tomcat
> Hope I did not forget anything important.
> Best regards,
> Michael Brohl
> ecomify GmbH
> www.ecomify.de
> Am 10.04.18 um 21:13 schrieb ja...@productive1.com:
> > Hi all I have going to the documentation and it looks like there is a
> > way to have multiple websites tied back to the same ofbiz instance. I
> > have a few questions. Where is this configured so we can map a product
> > store, web template to a web domain. What do we need to change at our
> > domains registrar to have the www.xxx.com point to the right IP. I am
> > sure this is more than a domain forward. Thanks in advance!

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