Hello Paul,

Paul Mandeltort <p...@marcospec.com> writes:

> STRONG +1 here as an end user.
> Having a solid tested reference implementation would save man years of
> time in development, testing, and deployment especially for small
> teams that are weak in the devops department.
> I started playing with this but it’s a back burner project right now.
> A proper set of docker images and a reference docker compose
> architecture based around Postgres would be ideal going forward. Then
> SOLR could also be managed as a docker image. One of the biggest new
> user pain points for ofbiz is figuring out how to switch the database
> to a real dbms.  We could then just drop support for derby as the only
> reason it’s there is that it supposedly saves time for testing ofbiz.
> Docker Postgres solves that problem and is the clear standard for open
> source databases now.
> Making docker ofbiz the standard starting point also eliminates all
> the cross platform java headaches which I see at lest a post or two a
> week about.
> It would also accelerate adoption, development, and save everyone
> money long term as it makes it super easy to fire up and iterate
> ofbiz.

I don't think this kind of incantative tone serves your cause.

Being enthousiastic about a technology is one thing but pretending it
will make everything easy, agile, allow everyone to save money, and
avoid headaches sounds more like bullshit...

IMHO some code, facts, measurements and an enonciation of the necessary
tradeoffs would be more convincing.

Mathieu Lirzin
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