Yeah, it's hot outside... ;-)

Have a nice weekend,


Am 03.08.18 um 17:32 schrieb Julien NICOLAS:

So, I don't know what's happen yesterday but... everything is working well today with this setting \o/


My apologize for the noise,

Have a nice week-end :)


Le 02/08/2018 à 17:32, Julien NICOLAS a écrit :
Hi everybody,

I'm testing the trunk only using seed data. I set everything (almost everything...). To be sure that my settings are ok, I create a sale order in the backoffice with success.

But in the front office (plugin ecommerce) impossible to add a product in the cart...

I've got this message : "Fatal error calling inventory checking services: org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException: The following required parameter is missing: [isStoreInventoryAvailableOrNotRequired.productStoreId]"

In debug I can see that the productStoreId is null in the "setQuantity" method in It seems that init cart have not be done...

I'm a little bit lost... so, this is my website settings :

I'm using the ecommerce component that the web.xml for the website is as following :

        <description>A unique ID used to look up the WebSite entity</description>

My productStoreId is 10000

the website
<WebSite allowProductStoreChange="N" displayMaintenancePage="N" isDefault="Y" productStoreId="10000" siteName="Ecommerce" visualThemeSetId="ECOMMERCE" webSiteId="WebStore"/>

I have a company, a catalog linked to my product store, a facility, my product linked to the catalog and the facility and a sale price.

Maybe I missed something but I don't know what...

Any help are welcome :)

Thanks in advance

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