Hai jason
Thank you for you time...
That worked for me..

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 8:39 PM Jason RJ <jason_of...@reast.net> wrote:

> Hi Madhi,
> If you are doing this from the ecommerce module, take a look at
> ecommerce\script\org\ofbiz\ecommerce\customer\CustomerEvents.xml inside the
> createCustomer simple-method there is this logic:
>         <if-compare field="allowPassword" operator="equals" value="Y">
>             <call-bsh><![CDATA[
> org.ofbiz.webapp.control.LoginWorker.doBasicLogin(createdUserLogin,
> request);
>                 org.ofbiz.webapp.control.LoginWorker.autoLoginSet(request,
> response);
>                 session = request.getSession();
>                 cart = session.getAttribute("shoppingCart");
>                 if (cart != null) {
>                     cart.setOrderPartyId(tempMap.get("partyId"));
>                 }
>             ]]></call-bsh>
>         </if-compare>
> Removing that should help.
> Jason
> On 14/12/2018 13:23, Madhi Krishnan wrote:
> Hey everyone..
> I have noticed that when user register himself with a new account and click
> save..the request goes to the createCustomer request.
> and than he get logged in and get diverted to the main page...
> so what i'm trying to do is that he should not redirect to the main page
> rather than he should be redirected  to the login page...and than he should
> enter his username and password and than get logged in.
> I have tried to change the the success request to login it didn't work
> Any suggestions, tips?
> Regards,
> Madhi Krishnan

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