Hi Ashish,

thank you for the great summary, insights and photos!

You all seem to have had a great time, wish I could have been there too.



Am 26.09.19 um 15:04 schrieb Ashish Vijaywargiya:
Dear All,

I am writing this email to share the update about Apachecon 2019 which was
organized in Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada USA(September 09 - 12,
2019). This was my second chance to attend Apachecon conference. Last time
I attended it in New Orleans in the year 2008. Attending the 20th
anniversary of ASF was one of the best experiences of my life and also
there were so many learnings for me as an individual.

1) Flamingo Hotel and the arrangements within the hotel was very nice.
Breakfast, Lunch was also very good and the coffee, beverages were
available all the time.

2) Meeting the community members who are engaged in Apache OFBiz project
like Sharan, Nicola and my other colleague from HotWax Systems like Mike,
Ben, Desiree, Patrick, Jacopo, Anil, Divesh, Swapnil, Mridul and Deepak was
a very nice experience.

3) Sharan has organized an evening get together with some OFBiz folks and
guys from other great ASF projects: we had a pleasant time having some
drinks and sharing our impressions about the conference, plans and
memories! The other guys who joined were Paul King(PMC Chair of Groovy, One
of the founder of Groovy language and the author of the book Groovy in
Action), Lars Eilebrecht(One of the founders of HTTP project), Claude
Warren(ASF Member and associated with Apache Jena project), Chris
Dutz(Member on Plc4x project and also tac PMC member) and Justin Mclean(PMC
Chair of Mynewt and PMC of server other projects and expert of IoT). You
feel so great when you meet the core members of any of the open-source
project who are the driving force for it.

4) Meeting with James Gosling is the dream come true situation for an
individual. Deepak got a chance to meet with James Gosling and he couldn't
stop himself to take a selfie with James. Please see Deepak's pic with
James Gosling here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/ExLABw

5) There were three sessions organized from Apache OFBiz panel and all the
sessions were a very informative one. Those sessions were:
5a) Apache OFBiz in the Cloud(s) by Deepak Dixit
5b) OFBiz in the fashion industry, an omnichannel approach by Nicola
5c) The ASF and OFBiz - How Community Makes It All Possible by Mike Bates.

More details about these presentations are available here:

We have also taken a few photographs from the conference and those
photographs are shared here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/ExLABw

I was reading the quote for Las Vegas and all the quotes present on this
link are true and we could feel it when we were in Vegas. :-)
Here they are: https://www.techjunkie.com/las-vegas-captions/

I would like to pass on my thanks to ASF for organizing such a nice event
each year and this 20th year anniversary was an amazing one. The organizing
committee members managed to plan such a nice and big event from the remote
locations. And as a participant, you would be amazed to see such a nice
arrangement. All the sessions were running very smoothly, you can go and
attend any of the sessions. The session details present on the mobile app
was very friendly. Keynote sessions in the big hall were the amazing one.
Such a nice events give the opportunity to all the participants to meet
with each other and plan something meaningful in the open-source world.

Thanks so much to everyone for making the open-source world so beautiful.
Together we can create so many amazing and meaningful things for our

Kind Regards,
Ashish Vijaywargiya
Vice President of Operations
*HotWax Systems*
*Enterprise open source experts*
cell: +91-9893479711

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