Hi Robert,

which version/release of OFBiz do you use?

In general, I recommend to extend OFBiz by using the plugin mechanism and not directly change the OFBiz standard components. This way you vendor updates are easier.

You should set up your git project in a way where you use a remote branch to the OFBiz source branch as an upstream branch and merge from this upstream branch towards your development branch (or whichever branch you need depending on your project's branching model). This even works with an upstream based on SVN (for older release branches).

You can then easily update even if you made changes/MODS in the standard components (which should be avoided where possible), git mergetool will help you during merge.

Hope this helps,

Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

Am 24.01.20 um 17:45 schrieb Robert Wynkoop:
Hello everyone.

Still trying to figure out a development strategy, where I can continue to
get OFBIZ updates and build a client site.

Using eCommerce as a base, I created my own GIT project and modified
eCommerce so it was my own, with my site URL.

I discovered that OFBIZ framework / application / order / templates have
direct references back to the eCommerce site.

I'm not understanding how to use OFBIZ as a framework for a custom site.

I had hoped not to change framework source, but to extend it.

"Am I doing it all wrong"

Robert Wynkoop

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