Hello everybody,

I would like to create a form using a service as data provider:

This would be the service definition.
<service name="exportAcctgBmd" engine="java"
invoke="batchExportAcctTransForBmd" auth="true">
        <description>Eport accounting transaction for BMD</description>
        <attribute name="startDate" type="Timestamp" mode="IN" optional="true"/>
                        <attribute name="bmddata" mode="OUT" type="List"/>

Here is the form definition:

<form name="ExportAcctgBmdCsv" list-name="listIt" target="" type="list" 
                                <service service-name="exportAcctgBmd" 
result-map="bmddata" auto-field-map="true"></service>
               <field name="belegnr" title="belegnr"><display/></field>

What am I missing in order to fill the form with the data from the service? I 
want to export data as CSV but the result is just showing the header from the 

Best regards,

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