Hi everybody,

I have the following case and I was wondering if someone already implemented it 
and would share some know how or anyone has some ideas on it.

Business: food
Case (example):
                - Product: Meat, defaultPrice: € 20, productWeight: 500g
                                - inventoryItemId meat01: weight 510g
                                - inventoryItemId meat02: weight 490g

The product is weighted and added as inventory with the corresponding weight to 
ofbiz (inventoryItem has been extended by weight and weightUOM).
In the frontend the customer selects a specific inventoryItem with a specific 
weight. The price is calculated with the inventoryItem weight.

I am working on the following changes:

-              update inventoryItem  - add weight and weightUom
-              update shoppingCartItem - add inventoryItemId
-              update priceService - if inventory is involved the price takes 
the inventoryitem weight into account
-              add table InventoryItemTmpResDetail as the inventoryItemId 
reference is needed (I already use temporary reservations with the ATP 
calculation). If a customer adds a product to the shopping cart, the ATP will 
be reduced until the visit ends or a specific amount of time expired.
-              update orderItem - add inventoryItemId (on order update the 
inventoryItem assignment must not change)
-              override orderReservation

Best regards,

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