Hi Shrilesh,

In which cases exactly the file names are rejected (length, name, etc.) ? We 
can also consider the content.upload.path.prefix indeed...


Le 14/04/2021 à 17:24, Shrilesh Korgaonkar a écrit :
Hi Guys,

While performing testing of
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10746 issue reported a while
back, I have noticed that if I try uploading a file it now fails for
different reasons as the file name is being considered invalid

At first glance, it looks like due to fixes introduced recently due to
below issues
1. Secure the uploads (OFBIZ-12080)
2. addImageForProduct fails (OFBIZ-12211)

Of course, it could be bypassed for now by setting property

However, was wondering if the below code block from class
*SecuredUpload.java* should have allowed URLs that also contain
*content.upload.path.prefix* value? same as what is being done for product
image URLs.

if (fileToCheck.length() > 4096) {
                 Debug.logError("Uploaded file name too long", MODULE);
                 return false;
             *} else if (p.toString().contains(imageServerUrl)) {*
                 if (file.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ()]{1,4086}.[a-zA-Z0-9-_
]{1,10}")) { // "(" and ")" for duplicates files
                     wrongFile = false;
                 } else if (!file.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9-_
]{1,4086}.[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]{1,10}")) {
                     wrongFile = false;

Let me know what the thoughts are and if need be happy to raise an issue so
that it could be tracked

Shrilesh K.

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