Hi  Rick,


Le 08/06/2021 à 18:36, Rick Fleming a écrit :
Hi All,

In the Promotions screen we have a drop down called "User Entered"(Y or N).
Can someone explain the consequences of choosing either?

I've noticed that some promotions seem to apply automatically to the cart and 
others don't and require a code be entered by the user.

Right, you kinda answered to your own question above

If we select "N", should the promotion automatically apply without any
input from the user?

Yes that's it

If anyone has any input or documentation that would explain the overall process 
- I'd love it.

I did not find any. I guess it's mostly self explanatory.

Most we have is at 

You may have a look at https://ofbiz.markmail.org/search/?q=%22user+entered%22+promo#query:%22user%20entered%22%20promo+page:1+mid:iqpglt4ike27owby+state:results




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