
your request lacks quite some detail information. Thus, it is hard to give a good advice, concerning the solution.
It depends on factors that are within the use-case, for example:

 * Are there more customers?
 * Should different customers be able to order the same range of products?
 * Can groups of users be identified or is it highly individual?
 * Is the wanted access really category based, or is it based on

Also, it is highly linked to the possibilities you have. If you use OFBiz as it is (ootb), you do not have the same options as if you were able to write your own customized code.

You might want to have a look at the ProductCategoryRole entity, it might provide some angles to help you with this task.

For the reasons given above I am not quite sure if and how, though.

If you provide some more detail, I can perhaps be of more service.

Kind regards,

Benjamin Jugl

P.S.: If you do not use it already, I recommend https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Data+Model+Diagrams as a reference.

Am 15.10.21 um 07:26 schrieb Justine Nowak:

How can we limit a customer to only order products that are included in a
certain category?

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