
in addition to the other recommendations, I strongly recommend to have a look at the OFBiz data model book which shows the data model in-depth.

See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Data+Model+Diagrams

There you will see that the products are mapped to the ProductCategory through the ProductCategoryMember entity. The category structure is build by the productCategoryRollup entities and the top-most category is mapped to the ProdCatalog through ProdCatalogCategory and finally the ProdCatalog ist mapped to the productStore through ProductStoreCatalog.

While you can reuse categories with different roll-ups, you cannot have the SAME category containing other products when used with another ProductStore.

You surely can build up a SIMILAR category structure twice and map this to the catalog/store to achieve your goal.

Best regards,

Michael Brohl

ecomify GmbH - www.ecomify.de

Am 26.10.21 um 18:56 schrieb Bs Serge:
Thank you Jacques for the link,

Kindly, can different stores use the same category structure with different
products, Or do categories have to be created for each store?

Thanks again

Best Regards,

On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 1:36 PM Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

Hi Serge,

This is old and in French, but I think it can still help



Le 26/10/2021 à 11:48, Bs Serge a écrit :
Lastly and most importantly I'd like to ask,

Can different stores have the same category structure but with different

Best Regards,

On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 11:04 AM Bs Serge <sergeb...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Giulio,

You have been more than helpful to help me understand this,

Regarding the “Browser Root”, it seems like there are different Product
Category Types  (Best Selling, Catalog, Search, …) which I see defines
categories that are directly linked to catalogs in different Product
Catalog Category Types (Browser Root, Promotion, Quick Add, Default
For Example in the “Demo Catalog”, in its Categories, there is a
called “CATALOG1” of Browser Root, and that category is of Product
Type “Catalog”, and I see it act as a parent of two other categories of
100 and 200 which both are also of Category Type “Catalog”, which goes
to create a Tree of categories

Does it mean that the Product Category Type of Catalog is also like a
group of categories per se ,.. ?

If so, one would directly wonder what is the role of other Product
Category Types (Best Selling, Search, Tax, Quick Add, Google Base,
Industry, Internal, ... )?

Thank you again,

Best Regards,

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 7:20 PM Giulio Speri - MpStyle Srl <
giulio.sp...@mpstyle.it> wrote:

Hello Serge,

in OFBiz there is not a direct association between a ProductStore and
products, instead ProdCatalog, ProdCatalogCategory,
ProductCategory and ProductCategoryMember entities are used to achieve

You can see the ProdCatalog as a collector of categories: the one that
physically associated with a product store is the ProdCatalog through
entity  ProductStoreCatalog.
A product catalog is composed by a hierarchy of categories where the
(root category) always has to be of type "Browse Root"
This is managed by the entity ProdCatalogCategory.
Under the "Browse Root" category you can then build your own custom
hierarchy of product categories and associate the product to each one
it; ProductCategory is the entity used to define a category and a
is associated to a specific category through the entity

*In short*:

ProductStore/Catalog assoc : ProductStore -> ProdCatalog ->
ProductCatalogCategory (Browse Root)

Browse Root Category/Product categories:
- ProductCategory (Browse Root)
   -- productCategory_1 -> Products (through ProductCategoryMember);
   -- productCategory_2 -> Products;
   ---productSubCategory_2_1 -> Products;
   ---productSubCategory_2_2 -> Products;
   -- productCategory_3 -> Products;

In the online backend demo of OFBiz you can start following this
from the Catalog Manager -> Stores, pick up a store and then open the
You will find different examples of stores and catalogs with different
categories associated, that can give you a good starting point on the
store/catalog/category/product OOTB mechanism.

I hope I have been helpful.

Kind Regards,

Il giorno lun 25 ott 2021 alle ore 16:30 Bs Serge <sergeb...@gmail.com


I was browsing through the catalog module and I could not find any
and store relationship.

I would assume products are supposed to belong in a certain store!

Kindly enlighten me on how OFBiz handles products and stores
or point me to a link that explains it.


Best Regards,

Giulio Speri

*Mp Styl**e Srl*
via Antonio Meucci, 37
41019 Limidi di Soliera (MO)
T 059/684916
M 347/0965506


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