Hi Justine,

If you make the product feature that will provide the custom specification a DISTINGUISHING_FEATURE you can use this:

Add this to applications/order/groovyScripts/entry/catalog/ProductDetails.groovy around line 242 after disFeatureList is setup:

    // get the details of the Feature Application attributes
    productFeatureApplAttrs = delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureApplAttr", , [productId : productId], ["attrName"], false);
    context.productFeatureApplAttrs = productFeatureApplAttrs;

And you can use this markup in ecommerce/template/catalog/ProductDetail.ftl probably replacing the existing disFeaturesList block at Lines 591-605:

                <div id="distFeatures">
                    <#if disFeatureList?has_content>
                            <#list disFeatureList as distFeature>
                                <li class="distFeature">
                                    <h4 class="${distFeature.idCode}">${distFeature.description}</h4>                                     <#if productFeatureApplAttrs?has_content>
                                        <#list productFeatureApplAttrs as currentFeatureApplAttr>                                             <#if currentFeatureApplAttr.productFeatureId?exists && currentFeatureApplAttr.productFeatureId == distFeature.productFeatureId>                                                 <dt class="attrib-value">${currentFeatureApplAttr.attrName?default('')}</dt><dd>${currentFeatureApplAttr.attrValue?default('')}</dd>

You will need some styling to make it look decent but something like this is achievable with the above https://imgur.com/a/IxcpZjJ


On 09/11/2021 22:26, Justine Nowak wrote:
Thank you Jason,

Also how do we show the product features to the eCommerce site?

On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 4:57 AM Jason RJ<jason_of...@reast.net>  wrote:

Hi Justine,

On the Product->Feature page at the bottom you can add "Product Feature
Attributes" so for example if you have a Product Feature assigned such
as "Camera" for a mobile phone, then you add Feature Attributes
Name/Value pairs e.g. "Flash":"Yes", "Main Camera":"12.0mp", "Image Geo


On 08/11/2021 21:33, Justine Nowak wrote:

How do we add custom product specifications and how do we display them on
the e-commerce website? This would have to be dynamic templating because
each product could have a different spec with a different value. Do we
attributes or features or something else?



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